Best muscle building exercises at home

Best muscle building exercises at home 2024

Best muscle building exercises at home:

All of us want to have a muscular body and maintain a good physique. But in today’s world where there is inflation in every country, financial crisis and many more, it has gotten difficult for everyone to afford a gym. Building muscle without going gym at home is surprisingly possible and doesn’t require any gym instruments. All anyone need is to maintain diet regularly and keep patience . Also need to  commitment to workout regularly.

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Learn Best muscle building exercises at home:

It may sound like Impossible or unrealistic but one can do this by following this steps mentioned below:

  • First of all, one should know that we will build muscle only by using our own body weight . And this is the center of the concept of building muscular body staying at home. No one need to go to gym or lifting any heavy weight. Also no one need to take the risk of injury or muscle cramp. 
  • Here our body weight will be used as gym equipments. We will do free hand exercises which include pushups, squats, planks and lunges. These exercises helps us to grow our muscles without any gym instruments. 
  • Also we can use household products like drums, brick, cement block, chair, gallons of water, heavy books or home dumbbells usually made of cement. 
  • We’ll have to hit every muscle groups of our body at least twice a week. If we only focus on specific muscle and left the other groups it won’t be beneficial for us. 
  • Moreover we have to maintain e diet chart routinely. It is said that, building muscle is 70 percent dependent on diet and rest can be gained by working hard or going gym. Among food items protein is a must.  One should eat a high protein and at the same time low fat diet.
muscle building

At first we have to make our body warm. Without warming up one’s body one should not start. If anyone do so, very fast he or she will felt intense muscle cramp. His or her muscles will get tired easily. That’s why before starting working hard one should take his warm up session.

Some best home exercises that may help one to build muscle staying at home without using any gym instruments are:

Doing push ups:

Push ups helps us to grow our chest , triceps, biceps and shoulder muscles. It is said the push up is the bread and butter of home workouts. If anyone wants to do just one home workout, he or she is suggested to do push ups regularly.

At least 25 push ups regularly.

1.After warm up session, one should make sure he is in perfect position.
2.His spine should be straight and in line with his bottom.
3.His palms are generally located a little wider than his shoulder.
4. Any one can change his hand position. For example one can wider his hand and this will help to grow back and chest more. On the other hand if anyone make close his hands this will help grow biceps and triceps muscles.

There are many types of push ups:

* Push ups
* Diamond push ups
* Archer push ups
* Hindu push ups
* Pike push ups
* Russian push ups
* Clap push ups

Doing planks:

Planking helps to grow core muscles at a fast pace . Planking regularly and increasing planking time daily will helps to appear abs muscle. Moreover it will tighten back muscles and butt muscles. Steps of planks are:
1. Unlike push ups you have to set your forearms instead of your palm.
2. Strengthen your spine.
3. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute.
4. Do this twice at least at the beginning stage.
5. Gradually increasing time day by day .

There are many types of planks. Which include:
1.Full plank
2.Side plank
3. Elbow plank
4. Raised leg plank
5. Reverse plank

Crunches to build abs and core muscles:

Crunches is one of the best abs workout for beginners. Also one who wants to strengthen core muscles by home workout it is one of the best choices for them. It is so easy. Following steps are:
1. Lay on your back keeping your knee bent.
2. Place your hand behind your head.
3. Then try to lift your head as much as possible using your hand.
4. Do this three sets of eight to twelve reps.

In this exercise we need some equipment like light dumbbell for shoulders, biceps and triceps muscles.

One can do these following exercises:

* Biceps curl
* Triceps curl
* Shoulder raises
* Bent over rows


Cardio is the bestest for building whole body muscles which include:

*Jumping jacks
* Lunges
* Running
* Swimming
* Cycling
* Rowing
* Stair climbing

Doing squat is super easy. Steps are :
1. Standing on your feet
2. Widened your hips
3. Back straight
4. Head up.
5. Position your hand where you feel comfortable.
6. Don’t use any support
7. Try to seat like seating on a chair.
8. Keep straight your spine and legs above toes.
9. Do move forward.

Best muscle building exercises at home

Do this 10 to 12 times and 4 sets initially:

There are many types :

*Barbell squat
* Jump squat
* Back squat
* Front squat
* Goblet squat

These are the exercises one can follow for 3 to 6 months and definitely he will see the result. But one should follow this and make commitment to do exercises regularly. Forming a muscle building routine one can maintain this. And most importantly one should not do exercises regularly. Also should take some regular break that will help muscles to get refreshed.

And the most important part is maintaining diet chart. If one do exercises regularly but doesn’t maintain his diet his all efforts will go in vain. Diet chart vary from person to person. To make a proper diet chart one can take help from nutritionist.

However one can build muscle staying home and maintaining diet. But over all before taking any step one should consult with professional and doing exercise according to the suggestions.

You Can See This Video also:

This video is collected from youtube by: Gravity Transformation – Fat Loss Experts

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