Exercise for weight loss at home for Female beginners

Best Exercise for weight loss at home for Female beginners 2024

Exercise for weight loss at home for Female beginners

Losing weight by doing exercise is not only just a tough task but also very enjoyable and fun at the same time. Exercise is the key thing to make oneself fit and lead a healthy and sound life. If we start to live a sedentary life, definitely today or tomorrow we will get affected by many diseases which include ischemic heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and certain types of cancer etc.

So, it is crystal clear that if we want to live a healthy and sound life, if we want to keep our heart healthy, we should do exercise daily by maintaining a routine.

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Genetically men are able to carry heavy load. So they can easily take heavy weight exercises for losing weight within a short time. But for women it is kind off difficult. Physically their body can not carry heavy weight in comparison with men.

Exercise for weight loss at home for Female beginners

Also every month women have to pass a period of menstruation. Biologically women body content more fat than men and also it is very common for a women to get fat easily for hormonal issues. So it is a big issue for women nowadays. Is there any solution to this problem? 

Exercise for weight loss

Yes there is a solution for this problem. Women can reduce their weight very easily not going gym without lifting any heavy weight, by only taking some free hand exercises staying at their home Which include :

Aerobic exercise:

Walking is called the bestest among all weight loss exercises. It is a great exercise for burning calories easily without investing money on anything.  You don’t have to go to gym or anyplace for workout.

A person of 70 kg can burn around 165-167 calories per 30 minutes of walking at a pace of 6.4 kph. Also a person can reduce his or her body fat by an average of 1.5% and waist circumference upto 2.8 cm by walking for 50-60 minutes 3 days per week .

Jogging and running can also provide someone with same kind off benefits at a higher rate.

Skipping or jumping rope:

It is one of the easiest home workouts and also cost nothing in a word. Moreover, it is such kind off exercise which involves our whole body. It helps one to increase one’s muscle strength, metabolic activities and functions, burn many fats within a short period of time.
If anyone does skipping regularly it will helps him or her to being calm and help to ease depression and anxiety. Also this will increase your heat rate and helps to pumping faster and more blood reaches at your organ.

Push ups and pull ups:

Push ups is a good exercise for those who want to make his or her  chest and back strong.. Also this helps us to improve and enlarge the size of our biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles. It is said that if anyone can’t manage enough time to get his daily workout, at least he should take push ups regularly. It is enough for whole workout.

Hanging on a bar using hand and uplifting oneself time to time is called pull ups. It is a very good home workout for making ones back strong. And more importantly this helps a lot and considered one of the best exercises for losing belly fat within a couple of months.

Exercise for weight loss at home for Female beginners


This one is Another masterpiece for those who want to lose body weight and lose belly fat within e short duration. It is a full body workout. The biggest advantage of this exercise is it targets most of the biggest and important muscle groups of the body. It strengthens the core muscles shoulder muscles, biceps and triceps, chest muscles, back musclesand  hip muscles. Planks help in burning calories and excess fat from the body quickly.

It seems to be very easy but it is one of those exercises which makes you exhausted most and intense. The longer you will work the sooner you will improve.

Planks has some variations which includes:

1. The standard plank.
2. The mountain climbers.
3. The reverse plank.


It is a muscle strengthening exercise. The main aim of this exercise is to improve the lower part of the body and improve the core muscles of lower abdomen. It also reduces fat from lower abdomen very fast. It burn calories and prevent fat accumulation in the lower abdomen.

A beginner should do 3 sets for 12-15 reps at least.

Like planks there are variations in the type of squats which include:
1. Basic squat
2. Jump squat
3. Split squat
4.pulse squat
5. Zercher squat
6. Dumbbell squat
7. Resistance band squat


Yoga is a exercise that originated from south Asian country India. Then it has got popularity all over the world.
Yoga is a group of exercise which are termed ‘asan’ in Hindi and now it is used worldwide. There are many yoga asan.

Among them most popular are:

1. Balasana
2. Virabhadrasana
3. Anjaneyasana
4. Vajrasana
5. Cobra pose
6. Trikonasana
7. Konasana

Yoga has more benefits to offer us:

1. increase muscle tone
2. Improve cardio health
3. Improve metabolic activities
4. Stress management and flexibility

Maintaining diet:

Just not only doing exercise one can loss weight  also maintaining diet is another key thing one should manage. It is said that if one doesn’t maintain healthy diet there is no use of exercises. To get the benefits from exercise at it fullest we should make and diet chart and maintain this regularly.

Maintaining this chart will help us more to loss weight properly and one can see the result very fast within a short duration. One should contact a nutritionist before making a diet chart. Cause it vary from person to person. According to their physique.

However, it is not a tough deal to loss weight within a short time staying at home by doing free hand exercises. Just make a routine and a complete diet chart and follow these regularly. Very soon you will get result.

You Can See this video also

This video is collected from youtube by: MadFit

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