Shoulder exercise at home for pain

Shoulder exercise at home for pain 2024

Shoulder exercise at home for pain:

Shoulder pain has become very common nowadays. Besides, simple chores like lifting products or reaching for them can become challenging due to shoulder pain. But it is getting difficult for you to go to the gym to do some exercises for your shoulder. You can ease your shoulder pain with simple exercises that you can do right at home. These exercises are gentle, easy to do, & also help strengthen your shoulder muscles, reducing pain as well as improving mobility. But why does it happen- this is the major question you should ask yourself so that you can act according to the problem. 

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Why does shoulder pain happen? 

Shoulder pain is caused by many reasons. Such as: if you are sitting on a desk all day long. If your posture is not good when you are driving or sitting.  Staring at your phone and hunching your shoulders. The most frequent reason for shoulder pain is a trapped rotator cuff tendon beneath the shoulder’s bony structure. Besides, if you get any injury to your shoulder.

For instance: falls, collisions, or sports-related injuries, can cause damage to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, or joint structures, resulting in pain. If you have any joint conditions; like: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) can cause inflammation, stiffness, and pain in the shoulder joint.

Moreover, if you have any instability and pain may result from weakness or imbalance in the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. A sedentary lifestyle, bad exercise habits, or inadequate training methods can all contribute to this imbalance.

Shoulder exercise

However, no matter what the reason behind your shoulder pain, you can always fix it through exercise at home, unless it gets too intense. 

Shoulder exercise at home for pain:

There are a bunch of exercises you can do at home for your shoulder. In this guideline, many easy & quick shoulder exercises have been mentioned. Which is easy to do & along with that you can do it at home for a minimum period. Whether you have shoulder pain or not, all these exercises are good for your shoulder & you can experiment with these exercises regularly. So, let’s have a look! 

Shoulder rolls: 

You may increase flexibility & warm up your shoulder muscles by performing shoulder rolls. Shoulder rolls also help you to minimize your shoulder pain & give you relaxation. How to do it: 

  • Stand or sit up straight with your arms relaxed by your sides.
  • Slowly roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion, making big circles.
  • Do 10-15 rolls in one direction, then switch and do 10-15 rolls in the opposite direction.

Wall Push-Ups:

Wall push-ups are a common exercise that you all must have heard & also many of you may already have done this exercise before. Moreover, it is a fantastic way to strengthen your shoulder muscles without putting too much strain on them. But how to do wall push-ups: 

  • Stand facing a wall with your arms enlarged in front of you, shoulder-width apart, & palms flat against the wall.
  • Slowly bend your elbows & lower your chest towards the wall while doing this to keep your body straight.
  • Push yourself back to the starting position by straightening your arms.
  • Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Shoulder Blade Squeeze:

Bad posture is one of the major problems that create shoulder & also waist pain. By fixing your posture you can get rid of shoulder & waist pain. This exercise strengthens the muscles between your shoulder blades and helps with posture, both of which can reduce shoulder pain. This is how you do it:

  • Sit or stand up straight with your arms by your sides.
  • Then squeeze your shoulder blades together as if you are trying to hold a pencil between them.
  • Hold the squeeze for 5-10 seconds, then release.
  • Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Put the needle in: 

Putting the needle in is the best movement to relieve mobility restrictions in the shoulders and upper back. How to do it: 

  • Go on hands & knees. 
  • The right palm should be placed in the middle of the mat, just below the chest.
  • With the palm facing away from the body, raise your left arm toward the ceiling.
  • Slide the left arm beneath the right arm and lower it. Avoid collapsing the chest and maintain a straight left arm.
  • Extend this stretch farther by raising your right arm off the floor.
  • Stay in this posture for half a minute. 

Pendulum Exercise:

The pendulum exercise facilitates pain relief and increased mobility by loosening up the shoulder’s muscles and joints. This is how you do it:

  • Bending at the waist, place your arm straight down toward the floor as you stand close to a table or chair.
  • Lean your arm loosely and swing it back and forth in a gentle pendulum motion.
  • After one to two minutes, move to the opposite arm.
Shoulder exercise at home for pain

Child’s Pose: 

A child’s pose is a forward-bending stretch that improves flexibility in many body regions and relieves stress and stiffness. This is one of the easiest exercises which anyone can do. How to do a child’s pose:

  • Position your knees slightly wider than hip-width apart on the floor or a yoga mat.
  • Assume a four-pointed position, with your palms on the mat slightly forward of your shoulders.
  • Rest your tummy on your thighs by reclining on your heels and hunching forward at the hips.
  • Place your hands in front of you and place your forehead on the ground.
  • Press your shoulders and chest into the floor to lengthen the stretch.
  • For thirty seconds, maintain this posture. 


All these mentioned exercises can be done at home without any prior equipment. Also, these are hassle-free exercises that can reduce your pain & improve mobility of your shoulder. However, if you experience any pain or discomfort while doing these exercises, stop immediately & consult with a healthcare professional. With regular practice, you will soon notice a reduction in shoulder pain and increased flexibility.


  1. What is the necessity of shoulder exercise?

Answer: Shoulder exercises enhance your full-body performance. It has a great impact on your posture & gives relaxation. 

  1. Are shoulder exercises safe to do at home if I have shoulder pain?

Answer: Yes, it is safe to do shoulder exercises at home if you do gentle ones. Also, if you don’t have intense pain. Try to exercise slowly at first then gradually increase your level. 

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This video is collected from youtube by: Rehab Science
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