What is Total Body Enhancement At Planet Fitness

What is Total Body Enhancement At Planet Fitness

Learn What is Total Body Enhancement At Planet Fitness:

Total Body Enhancement is a type of treatment procedure that is offered by some well known gymnasiums and fitness centers and spas worldwide.

What is Total Body Enhancement At Planet Fitness

It is a special booth usually a combination of red light therapy, vibration therapy and a skin care system
sometimes it is called aromatherapy.
It is done to enhance the the body fitness, outlook and provide aesthetic appearance of the body.
It is a natural, artificial or technological changes of human body in order to enhance the body appearance and mental wellness.

Actually it is done for cosmetic or reconstructive purpose. Red light therapy is not a invasive type of therapy. From it’s name we can relate that In this therapy red color light is used which have specific wavelength. Here low level red light penetrate the skin, stimulate cellular energy production in the form of ATP and help
to produce more collagen under skin.

Also it helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Moreover, it improves skin conditions Which includes texture, skin tone, accelerate healing procedure and help us to get well soon from inflammation.
Vibration therapy is a part of total body enhancement therapy. But can you guess what
does it stands for actually?

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Here in this therapy we use vibration as a tool to improve circulation, increase muscle tone and muscle strength and to reduce muscle soreness and stiffness. And this therapy is done through standing on a vibrating platform or by using a vibrating wand or roller. Main concept is to cause rapid contraction of muscle and then rapid relaxation of muscle using vibrator and continuing this process.

And the left one in total body enhancement is the skin care system Which is used to help moisturise skin and nourish skin by using skin care products which include lotions or creams. Also involving the use of essential oils may contribute to create a relaxing and rejuvenating atmosphere that may help to enhance total body appearance and outlook.

Now come to the inquiry:

Is there any organisation or gym or fitness center where I may get this kind off services ?
Yes. There are may fitness centers worldwide. For example planet fitness, Fitness For
10, Capital Fitness Inc and Massage Envy.

Which one is the best among them ?
Among them planet fitness is the most popular. It has the world largest fan base. Over
14 million members and worldwide it has 2000 plus location.

Why planet fitness ?
They create an environment where you can relax , go at your own pace and do your own
thing without ever having to worry about being judge.

The best value on the planet?
They believe in providing a high quality fitness experience at an affordable cost.

How do they provide services?
Make the most out of your fitness experience with their small group training sessions,
personalised experience programs and certified trainers.

What is their purpose?

They are trying to create a more judgemental free planet where health and wellness is
within reach for all by advancing three core focus areas: access, inclusion and

What is total body enhancement at planet fitness?
At planet fitness you’ll get the total body enhancement therapy. In many of their gyms
they provide the total body enhancement machine.

It is also known as “Beauty Angel RVT 30” is a booth that uses red light therapy bulbs to
provide various health and cosmetic benefits. This machine is an innovative feature that
combines two distinct modalities: red light therapy and vibration training, houses within
a single, private booth.

You may get your red light therapy staying at your home using red light therapy device.
They are so famous due to their non invasive nature, good user testimonials,
widespread availability of total body enhancement machine, convenience and a range
of health and cosmetic benefits.

Usually it is safe for most of people. It provides red light therapy within a limited wavelength spectrum.

The booth is completely enclosed for full body red light coverage. And it never emit UV radiation like tanning beds.

Although it is safe, In some condition you should avoid this therapy:

If you are pregnant
You suffer from epilepsy
You suffer from cardiac issues
You are sensitive to light
You have recently undergone surgery

However, The target of total body enhancement is to provide a client with a full body
therapy that will help him to improve his physical and mental wellness as well as
aesthetic appearance.

People who are taking this therapy will get benefited is not constant. This may vary from person to person due to some conditions. While one is getting benefited other may not get.

The conditions include individual factors such as age, skin type and overall health. So, if anyone wants to start a new therapy, he should consult with a health care professional before staring treatment.

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This video is collected By: KevTheTrainer
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